Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[部落小玩意] 鱼丸竟然减肥中!? XD


p/s: 我这里太暗的关系... 效果不佳了... T-T

Copy & Paste 以下的code就 OK 了... :)

不拿也没有关系... [拿机关枪瞄准ing... XD]
纯粹开玩笑啦... :P

Saturday, August 30, 2008

◎ Happy 51st Merdeka. ◎

31st August 2008!
It's Malaysia's 51st Merdeka!

Let's wave the Jalur Gemilang around proudly!~
And shout "MERDEKA!".

Happy 51st Independence Day, Malaysia.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

◎Submit your TradeMark™. ◎

Members of Rabbito™ Studio must have their very own Trademark which they have to place in their artworks.

A Trademark (represented by the symbol ™ - Alt 153) is a distinctive sign or indicator which is used to identify uniquely the artworks that is created by YOU!

Please give us your unique trademark by giving the URL so that we can put it here.
(You trademark must be in JPG, PNG or GIF format.)
We gather all the trademarks here as a reference for people to distinguish the owner of the artworks.

Thank you.


  1. Rabbito™

  2. Tammy™

  3. Alvinyap™

Monday, August 25, 2008

◎What You Can Do in Rabbito™. ◎

1. Create
Create your own new artwork, design something new.
Everyone can have their own "Trademark" that represents themselves for their work.

2. Express
Express you feeling through your art, your snap shots.

3. Share
Share your artworks with all the geeks in which Rabbito™ serves as the sharing channel.
(You can be one of the author of this blog if you're one of the Geeks.)

◎The Rabbito™. ◎

The Rabbito Art Studio is now open!!
We have chosen the name "Rabbito" as the name for our Studio!
We are made up of GEEKs,
which are people that are interested in Design, Photography, and Art.

Are you a Geek in art too?
Join us.


To register,
please submit the following information:
Name: (in blogger)
Email: (use to log in your blogger)
Homepage: (your page that you want us to link with)

(Please take Note that you must be a "Blogger" user in order to join our art studio.)

Invitation to be the author of this blog will be sent to your mail once we approved your application.

Thank you for your cooperation.